Louis XIII Cognac: The Thesaurus
Having no beginning, middle or end the time is twisted in this Thesaurus which reflects the perpetual cycle of time. Conventional storytelling techniques are ignored as the narrative jumps from a century to another, and back again all while celebrating the history and mystery of the LOUIS XIII legacy.

Interweaving fact and fiction this artbook available in April of 2020 is said to encompass the past, present, and future of the LOUIS XIII, from the 16th to the 22nd century.

Written by Farid Chenoune, edited by Karen Howes and originated & produced by Hervé Landry this intriguing art book published by ACC Art Books is set to be available in selected bookstores worldwide and on Amazon, as of April 2020. We’re looking forward to experiencing it. Let us know how you like it.
– Team Undefinable
Undefinable Vision
“See Things Different” ™

ACC Art Books: beautiful books about creative arts, mixing 50 plus years of tradition with the finest in contemporary art and design.